Saturday, June 25, 2011

"He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases."

To all of you, brothers in trial, who are visited by under a thousand forms, the Council has a very special message. It feels fixed on itself your pleading eyes, burning with fever or hollow with fatigue, questioning eyes which search in vain for the why of human suffering and which ask anxiously when and whence will come relief. Very dear brothers, we feel echoing deeply within our hearts as fathers and pastors your laments and your complaints. Our suffering is increased at the thought that it is not within our power to bring you bodily help nor the lessening of your physical sufferings, which physicians, nurses, and all those dedicated to the service of the sick are endeavoring to relieve as best they can.

But we have something deeper and more valuable to give you, the only truth capable of answering the mystery of suffering and of bringing you relief without illusion, and that is faith and. union with the Man of Sorrows (Is 53,3), with Christ the Son of God, nailed to the cross for our sins and for our salvation. Christ did not do away with suffering. He did not even wish to unveil to us entirely the mystery of suffering. He took suffering upon Himself and this is enough to make you understand all its value.

All of you who feel heavily weight of the cross, you who are poor and abandoned, you who weep, you who are persecuted for justice, you who are ignored, you the unknown victims of suffering, take courage. You are the preferred children of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of hope, happiness, and life. You are the brothers of the suffering Christ, and with Him, if you wish, you are saving the world! This is the Christian science of suffering, the only one which gives peace. Know that you are not alone, separated, abandoned, or useless. You have been called by Christ and are His living and transparent image.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Listening within the castle built on rock
Matthew 7:21-29

When God grants the favor, it is a great help to seek him within, where he is found more easily and in a way more bene­ficial to us than when sought in creatures, as St. Augustine says after having looked for him in many places. 176 Don't think this recollection is acquired by the intellect striving to think about God within itself, or by the imagination imagining him within itself. Such efforts are good, and an excellent kind of meditation because they are founded on a truth, which is that God is within us. But this isn't the prayer of recollection because it is some­thing we can do -- with the help of God, as should be under­stood of everything. But what I'm speaking of comes in a dif­ferent way. Sometimes before one begins to think of God, the~ people are already inside the castle, I don't know in what way...

In the case of this recollection, it doesn't come when we want it but when God wants to grant us the favor. I, for myself, hold that when His Majesty grants it, he does so to persons who are already begin­ning to despise the things of the world... in desire; for he calls such persons especially so that they might be atten­tive to interior matters. So I believe that if we desire to make room for His Majesty, he will give not only this but more, and give it to those whom he begins to call to advance further.

May whoever experiences this within himself praise God greatly because it is indeed right to recognize the favor and give thanks, for doing so will dispose one for other, greater favors. And this recollection is a preparation for being able to listen... so that the soul, instead of striving to engage in discourse, strives to remain attentive and aware of what the Lord is working in it... In this work of the spirit the one who thinks less and has less desire to act does more. What we must do is beg like the needy poor before a rich and great emperor, and then lower our eyes and wait with humility. When, through his secret paths, it seems we understand that he hears us, then it is good to be silent, since he has allowed us to remain near him.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


St. Joseph and the Child Jesus

From Beyond the Grave
Fathering Children After Death
By Father John Flynn, LC

ROME, JUNE 19, 2011 ( A rash of recent cases involving the use of frozen sperm to conceive children after the death of the father has drawn attention this increasingly widespread practice.

One case was that of Jocelyn and Mark Edwards in New South Wales, Australia. They were due to sign consent forms to start IVF treatment, but the husband died in an accident the day prior to the signing, the Sydney Morning Herald reported, May 24.

The wife obtained a court order to conserve her husband’s sperm and has now won a court action that will give her access to it. State laws prohibit this unless there is express consent for the use of sperm after death, but the NSW Supreme Court accepted the wife’s testimony that a couple of years ago her husband declared that if anything were to happen to him she should go ahead and have his child.

An article posted June 3 on the Time Magazine Web site commented that it is not uncommon for soldiers who are being deployed on combat missions to freeze sperm so that if they die their wives can still have a child.

As circumstances can differ a great deal questions are being asked about whether this practice should be allowed. The article referred to a case in Israel where the parents of a son who died last year want to have a grandchild using their son’s sperm.

The son, Ohad Ben-Yaakov, was not married or in a relationship but the parents want to use a surrogate mother.


A similar case was recently reported in Russia. Lamara Kelesheva’s son died of cancer, but with sperm collected before he started chemotherapy his mother used surrogate mothers to conceive two sets of twins, Russia Today reported June 7.

According to a report published by the Russian newspaper Pravda on June 10 five attempts at conception failed in the two years after her son’s death. Keleseva went ahead with one last effort and two surrogate mothers were uses simultaneously. Both became pregnant and the women gave birth to the grandchildren on January 6th and 8th.

The turmoil created as a result of this led to the breakup of her marriage and Kelesheva is now engaged in a legal battle to obtain recognition that she is the mother of these children and her deceased son the father.

The Moscow Civil Registry Office refused to register the newborns, and she is now appealing to the Moscow Municipal Court. Russian law limits the recourse to surrogate mothers to a husband and wife couple.

“All these exercises in biomechanics ultimately lead to this very ambiguous situation when you can’t really tell the difference between a son and grandson,” pro-life activist Andrey Khvesyuk, told Russia Today.

A different twist on the situation took place in the case of a 57-year-old man, who can’t be named for legal reasons, who had stored his sperm in 1999 because of fears that medical treatment could render him infertile.

After the breakup of the man’s marriage his ex-wife used the money from the divorce settlement to conceive two children using the man’s sperm, the Telegraph newspaper reported May 29. She forged his signature on the authorization forms and the man only found out about it three years later. A daughter and a son were born in 2001 and 2003 respectively.

Since the discovery he has spend a large sum of money on legal battles with his ex-wife and has limited access to his children.


While the children of deceased fathers will grow up knowing who their father was there are many children conceived through IVF who are without this information.

Newsweek looked into this situation in an article dated Feb. 25. In general in the United States children conceived through sperm donors have no information to who their father is and in many cases the records of the donors is destroyed.

As increasing numbers of these children reach maturity they are pressuring to change this situation. The article recounted the efforts of someone referred to as Alana S. who has created the organization for children, families and donors.

Some countries have legislated to require information to be available about sperm and ova donors, but the IVF industry in the United States remains largely unregulated.

Alana S., who is now 24 years old, said many donor-conceived children regard themselves as some kind of “freaks of nature.”

Even in countries where there is legislation the situation is far from perfect. This was evident in a report published Feb. 10 by an Australian Senate committee titled, “Donor Conception Practices in Australia.”

The report stated that there are inconsistent state and territory approaches regarding the information that donor conceived people may access.

Another concern is about the risk of donor conceived people inadvertently forming consanguine relationships due to their lack of access to donor information. Not only can this increase the risk of serious genetic disease but given the stigma attached to such relationships it could have significant social consequences, the report warned.

The committee received several submissions on the theme of limiting the number of families a donor assists. According to information from the Victorian Infertility Counsellors Group it is not unusual for donor conceived people to discover that they have up to twenty genetic half-siblings.


Other submissions commented that there are inconsistent approaches between the states and territories regarding registration of donors. This means there is no way of accurately knowing or controlling the number of families a particular donor assists.

Another issue relates to a lack of data management that make it difficult to ensure clinics are complying with any limits on donations. One example given in the report was about a clinic importing sperm from the U.S. that had been assured it would only by for use by that clinic. Later it was discovered that sperm from the same donor had also been imported by a clinic in NSW and used by a number of families in that state.

Even though recent changes to laws make it easier for donor children to obtain information about their father many of those now reaching adulthood are unable to access the records as a result of past commitments made to donors to maintain their anonymity.

The report quoted testimony from Miss Narelle Grech, who explained the personal impact this has had on her.

“I cannot begin to describe how dehumanising and powerless I am to know that the name and details about my biological father and my entire paternal family sit somewhere in a filing cabinet...with no means to access it,” she said. “Information about my own family, my roots, my identity, I am told I have no right to know,” she added.

In Canada such situations were described as discriminatory and unconstitutional by British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Elaine Adair.

The judge ruled in favor of a lawsuit brought by Olivia Pratten, who sought to get the same rights as adopted children, the Vancouver Sun reported, May 19.
A child is not something owed to someone, but a gift, the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out in no. 2378. Neither should a child be considered as a piece of property, “an idea to which an alleged ‘right to a child’ would lead,” it pointed out.

Among the many serious moral objections to IVF is that is has led to children being treated as commodities, no matter how well-intentioned the original desire for a child may have been. The consequences of this are now being graphically played out in the courts and in families.

quoted from:

Top 10 Reasons Men Should Practice Custody of the Eyes...

"Modesty must be retained. Modesty must be taught to the young. Keep pure and holy thoughts in your minds and the minds of your children, for your eyes are also the mirror of your soul." - Jesus, May 18, 1977

Aggie Catholics reported on June 10, 2011:

10 - It helps teach discipline.
Men should discipline themselves to be in control of their passions and not allow passions to control them.

9 - It avoids the near occasion of sin.
To avert your eyes when you feel tempted to use a woman lustfully is a good thing.
“But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” -Matt 5:19.

8 - Custody of the eyes builds up chastity.
Chastity helps us to properly order our sexuality. If we do not have custody of the eyes, it means our sexuality is dis-ordered toward objectification - not love - and needs to be healed.

7 - It is what every gentleman should do.
No woman who respects herself wants to be lusted after or looked up and down. No real gentleman would dishonor a woman by doing so.

6 - It helps a man to see the whole woman, not just parts of her body.
When most men see an immodestly-dressed woman, their brains automatically start to objectify her. Thus, men need to be able to see the truth about who a woman is - not just to break her down into objects he can use for his selfish pleasure.

5 - It avoids scandal.
Think of King David. If he would have practiced custody of the eyes he might have been able to avoid much worse sins - adultery and murder. Now think of what happens when a man is caught in a lustful look toward a woman.

4 - It helps fight off temptation.
Men suffer from sexual temptation frequently. To have custody of the eyes helps a man to fight off an even stronger temptation of lusting after a woman after he ogles her.

3 - It helps our sisters not feel objectified.
If for no other reason, we should witness to the dignity of a woman by controlling our passions.

2 - It is a virtue we should chase after.
It is related to chastity, modesty, and temperance.

1 - It focuses us back on more important things.
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." - Matt 6:33 Christ should be our first priority. Honoring the height of his creation (our sisters) should be the second. We should be third.

"I repeat, My child, that much discipline will be needed. The manner of clothing that We see being permitted by the parents to be worn by their children is an abomination in the eyes of the Father. They are sinful, they are degrading and they lead others into sin. Cover your bodies for they are temples of the Holy Spirit.
"Men shall not dress as women and neither shall women dress as men! Shorts, slacks shall not be worn in the Presence of My Son!
"There will be no rationalization accepted for the commission of these acts of impurity."
- Our Lady of the Roses, July 25, 1974

"Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans?" - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1972

The amazing Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"Your medias of entertainment are polluted. Your children must be protected against this pollution in pornography and exploitation of sex.
"O parents, you have the greatest battle now to keep the souls of your children from contamination. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so protect your children's eyes: watch what they read and what they look upon. Discipline your children and you shall not cry later as parents." -
Our Lady,
June 16, 1977

"I ask that a task force be set upon the world to eliminate the products of the forces of evil that seek to debase, destroy the souls of your children. Remove from your homes the corrupters of souls: the pornography, the infernal box—your television—and the destructor of souls, modesty and purity—the nakedness of the body.
"Parents, you shall be judged for the destruction by permissiveness, of your children's souls. Clothe them in goodness, holiness, and piety, and make modesty a way of life for the young."
- Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"The world must follow the example of the Queen of Heaven. Modesty, purity of heart and purpose." - St. Michael, December 7, 1973

"Impress, My child, upon your world the existence of hell that man seeks to deny. There are fires of hell. These fires will be felt on those who have lost their modesty to modernization, who expose the sacred temple of God, placed when their spirit entered their body—expose them to ridicule! The flames will burn every inch of that which is exposed." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971

"Women shall not approach the sacred Body dressed as pagans, exposing the temples of their spirit to shame! Cover yourselves, My children, or you will burn!
"I repeat: women will dress as befits a wife and mother, clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents. Therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children."
- Our Lady, March 18, 1975

"Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans?"
- Our Lady, May 30, 1972

"Mothers, why are you permissive with your children? Do you not recognize the plan of satan? Do you wish lustful eyes cast upon the innocence of your young child? Do not lead your child into danger!"
- Our Lady, June 8, 1972

"Foolish virgins! Why do you choose to live in this world of earth? Have you become blind to modesty? Has vanity invaded your hearts? Woe to those who cause the downfall of Our dedicated by their examples. You are all following the evil circle, My dedicated; for it is like a chain of evil, link by link. By your example you build a solid chain to hell. For woe to those entrusted with the souls of the little ones, and who lead the little ones to hell!" - Our Lady, November 21, 1970

"As parents your duty is manifold. You must teach your children within your homes. You must safeguard their purity. Modesty! Mothers, your daughters—do you permit them to expose their flesh to lustful eyes? Are you stripping from their young souls modesty and purity of purpose and spirit? What kind of example are you giving as parents in your homes?" - Our Lady, October 2, 1975

"Nakedness! Abomination! Aberrations have become the way of life in your country. Nakedness! Have you no shame to expose your body and cause another to fall? Mothers, you allow your daughters to sin and cause others to sin in your permissive attitudes. Have you no protective instincts for your children? Do you subject them willfully to the ravages of satanic agents?" -
Our Lady, March 25, 1972

"Modesty must be retained. Modesty must be taught to the young. Keep pure and holy thoughts in your minds and the minds of your children, for your eyes are also the mirror of your soul." - Jesus, May 18, 1977

"You see, My child, you use the word 'Marylike,' but the word is truly 'chastity,' 'modesty.' It is a word, chastity, the word modesty, soon forgotten on your earth." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

quoted from:

Top 10 Reasons Women Should Dress Modestly...

"A thorough cleansing must be made within the House of God--the Church. Women shall not receive My Son dressed as pagans, naked and without absolution! " - Our Lady of the Roses, December 31, 1974

Aggie Catholics reported on June 9, 2011:

10 - Modesty reflects an understanding of who a woman truly is.
Modesty starts inside a person's heart and mind. Who am I? Why do I exist? If a woman answers she is a beautiful daughter of God, then modesty will naturally follow.

9 - Modesty isn't about dressing in unattractive clothes as some think it is.
There are too many options in clothing to not give modesty a try. Yes, it might not be the first thing on the rack you go shopping for, but it is worth finding clothing that brings out a woman's beauty without revealing too much.

8 - Modesty attracts the kind of guys you ought to want to attract.
If a woman is afraid that she must turn a man's eye by dressing immodestly, then she should ask herself just what kind of guy does she want to attract?

7 - Mary dressed modestly.
Truly there is no more beautiful woman who ever lived than Mary. Why wouldn't any woman want to be more like her?

6 - It helps protect women.
A woman can still dress to be beautiful, but the mystery of a woman's body is protected from being used. Modesty provides a needed defense against usage.

5 - It sets a good example for others.
Young girls and teens need good examples of beautiful women who are modest. The attacks of immodest are Legion and we need a good counter-example.

4 - Women are worthy of respect.
Respect can be easily lost when a woman tries to promote herself by being immodest.

3 - It helps your brothers to avoid lust.
Women would be shocked if they were to enter the head of the average modern young man in a crowded room of immodest women. This isn't to blame an immodestly dressed woman for a man's sin of lust. But, men today need all the help they can get to fight lust and sin. Won't you help them?

2 - It shows true beauty.
A woman's true beauty comes from her dignity of being made in God's image. If any woman wants to truly reflect God's beauty, it starts with modesty.

1 - It is a virtue.
Modesty is a virtue that helps control behavior so we do not excite the sexuality of another. It is also a fruit of the Holy Spirit. All of us could use more virtue in our lives.

"I repeat, My child, that much discipline will be needed. The manner of clothing that We see being permitted by the parents to be worn by their children is an abomination in the eyes of the Father. They are sinful, they are degrading and they lead others into sin. Cover your bodies for they are temples of the Holy Spirit.
"Men shall not dress as women and neither shall women dress as men! Shorts, slacks shall not be worn in the Presence of My Son!
"There will be no rationalization accepted for the commission of these acts of impurity."
- Our Lady of the Roses, July 25, 1974

"Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans?" - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1972

The amazing Bayside Prophecies...

These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"I ask that a task force be set upon the world to eliminate the products of the forces of evil that seek to debase, destroy the souls of your children. Remove from your homes the corrupters of souls: the pornography, the infernal box—your television—and the destructor of souls, modesty and purity—the nakedness of the body.
"Parents, you shall be judged for the destruction by permissiveness, of your children's souls. Clothe them in goodness, holiness, and piety, and make modesty a way of life for the young."
- Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"The world must follow the example of the Queen of Heaven. Modesty, purity of heart and purpose." - St. Michael, December 7, 1973

"Impress, My child, upon your world the existence of hell that man seeks to deny. There are fires of hell. These fires will be felt on those who have lost their modesty to modernization, who expose the sacred temple of God, placed when their spirit entered their body—expose them to ridicule! The flames will burn every inch of that which is exposed." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971

"Women shall not approach the sacred Body dressed as pagans, exposing the temples of their spirit to shame! Cover yourselves, My children, or you will burn!
"I repeat: women will dress as befits a wife and mother, clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents. Therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children."
- Our Lady, March 18, 1975

"Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans?"
- Our Lady, May 30, 1972

"Mothers, why are you permissive with your children? Do you not recognize the plan of satan? Do you wish lustful eyes cast upon the innocence of your young child? Do not lead your child into danger!"
- Our Lady, June 8, 1972

"Foolish virgins! Why do you choose to live in this world of earth? Have you become blind to modesty? Has vanity invaded your hearts? Woe to those who cause the downfall of Our dedicated by their examples. You are all following the evil circle, My dedicated; for it is like a chain of evil, link by link. By your example you build a solid chain to hell. For woe to those entrusted with the souls of the little ones, and who lead the little ones to hell!" - Our Lady, November 21, 1970

"As parents your duty is manifold. You must teach your children within your homes. You must safeguard their purity. Modesty! Mothers, your daughters—do you permit them to expose their flesh to lustful eyes? Are you stripping from their young souls modesty and purity of purpose and spirit? What kind of example are you giving as parents in your homes?" - Our Lady, October 2, 1975

"Nakedness! Abomination! Aberrations have become the way of life in your country. Nakedness! Have you no shame to expose your body and cause another to fall? Mothers, you allow your daughters to sin and cause others to sin in your permissive attitudes. Have you no protective instincts for your children? Do you subject them willfully to the ravages of satanic agents?" -
Our Lady, March 25, 1972

"Modesty must be retained. Modesty must be taught to the young. Keep pure and holy thoughts in your minds and the minds of your children, for your eyes are also the mirror of your soul." - Jesus, May 18, 1977

"You see, My child, you use the word 'Marylike,' but the word is truly 'chastity,' 'modesty.' It is a word, chastity, the word modesty, soon forgotten on your earth." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

quoted from:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

RH Bill is anti-women, anti-human – lawyer

MANILA, June 18, 2011—Though often touted by its proponents as a necessary measure that responds to the needs of women, the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill is nothing like the pro-women piece of legislation its supporters make it to be, asserted a lawyer during a four-hour forum at the Sta. Isabel College, Manila.

“Marami diyan ang nagsasabi na pro-women sila. ‘We are for women, they say, but I tell you, nothing can be more anti-women than the RH bill. Bakit? Sino ang pinapalagok ng pills? Babae. Sino ang nagkaka-kanser? Babae. Sino ang ginagamitan ng condoms? Babae,” said Atty. Marwill Llasos, one of three representatives of Filipinos for Life.

And yet who basks in the pleasure everytime, he asked the audience. “Mga lalaki.”

No self-respecting woman should support the bill “because it violates your personhood. Ang babae sa ating pananampalataya ay minamahal, inaaruga at inaalagaan,” he said to the audience, composed mostly of female high school and college students as well as faculty members, who at this point responded with thunderous applause to Llasos’ statements.

The lawyer, also a staff apologist of the Defensores Fidei Foundation, expressed misgivings about the controversial bill for its apparent basic assumption that persons are incapable of self-control and of understanding truths about human sexuality.

“[In the RH bill] you are reducing a human being into nothing but an object, he said, adding that its proponents fail to understand the difference between man and animals.

“A human being is rational. He is endowed by God with will. We have a will to say no to ourselves—pwede mong pagilin ang iyong sarili. Kung ang tao ay nakakaramdam ng sexual urges sapagka’t tao ka, maaari mong pigilin at maaari kang magtimpi,” he explained.

“Hindi po tayo parang mga aso sa kalye. If they are in heat they have to do the sexual act because they have no will to control their actions. But we are human.”

The RH Bill, or House Bill 4244, has been generating a growing opposition in recent months due to provisions on taxpayer-funded procurement and distribution of the “full range” of artificial contraceptives and reproductive health services, a mandatory six-year sex education program in all schools from Grade 5 to 4th year high school, and the required provision by employers of artificial contraceptives and reproductive health services to their employees.

Also included in the panel of speakers at the June 17 forum were Atty. Jo Imbong, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Legal OfficeE xecutive Secretary, Prof. Aliza Racelis of the University of the Philippines, and Anna Cosio, RN. (Diana Uichanco)

quoted from:

World Great Adventure Tour 2011: Gear Up!

Categories: Activities, Announcements, Events, News, YFC International

We are truly blessed with how the Lord has favored Youth for Christ in its mission to spread the love of God to the young. For the past 18 years, the Lord never failed to bless Youth For Christ in its evangelization efforts, and in its sustainability strategies to mold its members, to empower its leaders and to inspire the coordinators.

Youth For Christ’s efforts to form and to strengthen the lives of the young have not only reached the many local territories in the Philippines but, most amazingly, has also reached our brothers and sisters in the international mission areas.

World Great Adventure Tour 2011 - Gear Up!

It is with great honor and pleasure that we bring back one of the most inspiring and enriching YFC global activities (last hosted a couple of years ago): the WORLD GREAT ADVENTURE TOUR 2011. So GEAR UP! and “Put on the full armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11).

This will be a great opportunity to build camaraderie between brothers and sisters in YFC all over the globe, to share and impart cultures and best YFC practices from each of the participating countries, to know more about Christ through the lives that they live, and lastly, to immerse in the local YFC activities and events in the Philippines.

The Great Adventure Tour 2011 will take place on August 3-11, 2011 in the different islands of the Philippines such as Corregidor, Cavite, Cagayan de Oro, and Camiguin. It will consist of pastoral sessions and teachings, YFC trainings, and LOTS OF FUN!

Registration fee is $450.00 inclusive of accommodations, transportation expenses in the country, meals, ID, kit, training materials and WGAT shirt. However, if one wishes to join the Global Leaders’ Summit that will be held on August 12-14, 2011, registration fee will now be $500 with all GLS inclusions. Deadline will be on or before July 15, 2011 (12:00 M.N. Philippine time). Kindly contact the full time worker head of events Ghamay Pepito ( and Madel Zarina Solijon ( for more details. We’ll see you soon!


By: Bro: Fernando Presillas


The bible was not written by God according Sen. Miriam Santiago?
Technically and scientifically she was right. As Filipinos, we all believe and agree that the constitution of the Philippines is the fundamental law of the land though it was only a product of human legislators in congress and senate or whatsoever. And pretty-well, as doctor of Divinity, she knows also that the bible is the Word of God written in the languages of men as what she learned from Catholic school and of the fundamental teachings of the Church.


The Bible, as the inspired recorded of revelation, contains the word of God; that is, it contains those revealed truths which the Holy Ghost wishes to be transmitted in writing. However, all revealed truths are not contained in the Bible (see TRADITION); neither is every truth in the Bible revealed, if by revelation is meant the manifestation of hidden truths which could not other be known. Much of the Scripture came to its writers through the channels of ordinary knowledge, but its sacred character and Divine authority are not limited to those parts which contain revelation strictly so termed. The Bible not only contains the word of God; it is the word of God. The primary author is the Holy Ghost, or, as it is commonly expressed, the human authors wrote under the influence of Divine inspiration. It was declared by the Vatican Council (Sess. III, c. ii) that the sacred and canonical character of Scripture would not be sufficiently explained by saying
that the books were composed by human diligence and then approved by the Church, or that they contained revelation without error. They are sacred and canonical “because, having been written by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, that have God for their author, and as such have been handed down to the Church”. The inerrancy of the Bible follows as a consequence of this Divine authorship. Wherever the sacred writer makes a statement as his own, that statement is the word of God and infallibly true, whatever be the subject-matter of the statement.
Though the Bible was written in the languages of men, but it is the will of God that His words be heard through the mouth of His chosen people called Hagiographers.
a)Heb.4:12”For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..”
b)2 Pet. 1:20-21”Understanding this first: That no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation. For prophecy came not by the will of man at any time: but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost.”
c)Heb.1:1-2 “In the past God spoke to our ancestors many times and in many ways through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son..”(GNB)
d)Mal 2:7 “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.”(KJV)
e) Rom 15:16 “of being a servant of Christ Jesus to work for the Gentiles. I serve like a priest in preaching the Good News from God, in order that the Gentiles may be an offering acceptable to God, dedicated to him by the Holy Spirit.”(GNB)
f) Gal 4:14”You despised not, nor rejected: but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.”(DRB)
g) 2 Co 13:3 “You will have all the proof you want that Christ speaks through me. When he deals with you, he is not weak; instead, he shows his power among you.”(GNB)


The Catholic Church violated the fundamental laws of the land regarding Declaration of Principles and State Policies Article II, Section 6 that says:”The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable. The separation of Church and state.”
• The principle of separation of church and state is often cited by many persons in all sorts of situations. From traditional politicians trying to surreptitiously push a morally questionable population control program, to anti-clerics who want to monopolize debate in important issues, the principle of separation is employed whenever the Catholic Church, or any other religion, speaks out and steps on a few toes.
• The separation of church and state is sometimes thought of as a “wall” separating the affairs of the two. Those who follow this thinking usually claim that religion should have nothing to do with the affairs of men. They would probably also say that religious belief should not influence the crafting of laws, affect the actions of public officials, or even be part of public debate. Instead, government should be neutral towards all religions and be totally secular in nature.


The Philippines is currently governed by the 1987 Constitution, which states in Article II, Section 6:
”The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.”
In Article III, Section 5, the Constitution also states:
“No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.”
The Philippine Constitution therefore in that it specifies two points governing the relationship between the state and religion. First there is an “establishment” provision which prohibits the establishment of an official state religion or a state-favored religion. 2nd there is the guarantee of protection of the free exercise of religion.There is no mention, however, of a “wall” separating religion and government. More importantly, there is nothing that mandates that religious belief cannot be a consideration in the crafting of laws and public policy, or that it be kept out of public debate, or that public officials must abandon religious beliefs in the performance of their duties. It can be argued then that the idea of a “wall” separating church and state really has no constitutional basis.The document itself speaks of keeping the state from adopting any religion or imposing the same through any coercive means. It does not, however, state
that religion can have no role in public life.The purpose of separation of church and state is to defend religion from federal interference, not the other way around.
Some have even gone so far as to claim that separation of church and state means that religious leaders including priests and ministers cannot run for public office. This is plain religious discrimination and has no legal basis in the Philippines.
The Catholic Church itself discourages priests from participating in partisan politics since such participation may divide the flock; but this is not a constitutional or legal prohibition, and the Church can also allow it in some cases. As far as the law goes, there is simply no provision whatsoever in the Philippine Constitutions that prohibits priests and ministers from holding public office. The bottom line is that the principle of separation of church and state is to guarantee religious freedom by preventing oppression by the government but not to silence the church. Yet it seems that there are those who would rather use it as a means to keep the Church from pointing out errors and exposing wrongdoing.
This is the reason why Pope Benedict XVI has spoken of an “intolerant” secularism that begins by excluding religion from the public sphere and ends up so extending that public sphere that the individual conscience is left with no room for religious belief.
Total separation of Church and State means total separation from God because Christ is the head the Church is His body. A government without a Good is helpless and will not prosper in all his plans.
a)Eph.5:23 For a husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the Savior of the church, his body.
b)Sirac 10:4-5”The Lord sees to the government of the world and brings person to power at the right time. The success of that person is in the Lord’s hands. The Lord is the source of the honor given to any official.
A true Christian leader will not separate God from civil obligation. To separate God and the Religion He founded, the civil government become a Godless human institution and it is unconstitutional because we implore the aid of God in our PREAMBLE of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines to wit:”We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Rom 13:1 “Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.”(GNB)
Joh 19:10-11 “Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Remember, I have the authority to set you free and also to have you crucified.” Jesus answered, “You have authority over me only because it was given to you by God
1Ti 3:15-16 “But if I delay, this letter will let you know how we should conduct ourselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. No one can deny how great is the secret of our religion: He appeared in human form, was shown to be right by the Spirit, and was seen by angels. He was preached among the nations, was believed in throughout the world, and was taken up to heaven.”(GNB)
Act 4:19-29”But Peter and John answered them, “You yourselves judge which is right in God’s sight—to obey you or to obey God. For we cannot stop speaking of what we ourselves have seen and heard.”(GNB)
Christ Himself expressed His faith at all times. He didn’t hide behind any sentimental notions of “keeping one’s faith a private matter” or political correctness.


Sabi nang mga Iglesia ni Cristo,” mali ang interpretation ng mga Catolico sa Gen.1:28 na magparami ng anak. Ibig sabihin niyan controlin ang panganganak. Ito po ang sabi ng biblia:
(TAB) “At sila’y binasbasan ng Dios, at sa kanila’y sinabi ng Dios, Kayo’y magpalaanakin, at magpakarami, at kalatan ninyo ang lupa, at inyong supilin…”(ang salitang”at inyong supilin” ,ibig sabihin pigilan ang panganganak at gagamit ng contraceptibo.”
• Anong klasing “Iglesia ni Cristo?”Seguro “Iglesia ni Cristo MCMXIV?” Dahil ang tunay na Iglesia ni Cristo ay ang Iglesia Catolica ayon sa turo mismo ng kanilang Pasugo Magazine:”True Church of Christ is the Catholic Church. “Even secular History shows a direct time link between the Catholic Church and the Apostles leading to the conclusion that the True Church of Christ is the Catholic Church” Pasugo Magazine July-August 1988, page 6”
• Iyon ba talaga ang turo nila?Hindi ko narinig eh? Pero kong totoong turo nila yan, maling-mali ang kanilang interpretation at salungat sa katotohanang inihayag sa biblia. Balikan po natin ang sinipi nilang sitas ng Bibliang Tagalog translation. Ito po ang full text ng Gen.1:28
(TAB) “At sila’y binasbasan ng Dios, at sa kanila’y (sinabi ng Dios, Kayo’y magpalaanakin, at magpakarami, at kalatan ninyo ang lupa, at inyong supilin; )at magkaroon kayo ng kapangyarihan sa mga isda sa dagat, at sa mga ibon sa himpapawid, at sa bawa’t hayop na gumagalaw sa ibabaw ng lupa.”
• Klarong-klaro po dito na hindi ang pagdadalang tao o pagbubuntis ang dapat supilin kundi ang lupa.Sa English translation po ay mas lalong malinaw.
(CEV) “God gave them his blessing and said: Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and every animal on the earth.”
• Dito po ating napatunayan na tao ang controlin at hindi ang pagdadalang tao.(”Have a lot of Children! Fill the earth with people”)
• (GW) God blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”
To you Sr. Joanne and to those who are seekers of truth, I think I have done my part to answer and clarify the stand of Cong. Manny Pacquiao and all oppositions concerning the interpretation of Genesis 1:28. So let us be one in defending life and truth who is Christ himself (Jn.14:6). St. Paul says,”
2 Co 13:8 “Non enim possumus aliquid adversus veritatem sed pro veritate- For we can do nothing against the truth: but for the truth.”

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