Thursday, June 23, 2011

Listening within the castle built on rock
Matthew 7:21-29

When God grants the favor, it is a great help to seek him within, where he is found more easily and in a way more bene­ficial to us than when sought in creatures, as St. Augustine says after having looked for him in many places. 176 Don't think this recollection is acquired by the intellect striving to think about God within itself, or by the imagination imagining him within itself. Such efforts are good, and an excellent kind of meditation because they are founded on a truth, which is that God is within us. But this isn't the prayer of recollection because it is some­thing we can do -- with the help of God, as should be under­stood of everything. But what I'm speaking of comes in a dif­ferent way. Sometimes before one begins to think of God, the~ people are already inside the castle, I don't know in what way...

In the case of this recollection, it doesn't come when we want it but when God wants to grant us the favor. I, for myself, hold that when His Majesty grants it, he does so to persons who are already begin­ning to despise the things of the world... in desire; for he calls such persons especially so that they might be atten­tive to interior matters. So I believe that if we desire to make room for His Majesty, he will give not only this but more, and give it to those whom he begins to call to advance further.

May whoever experiences this within himself praise God greatly because it is indeed right to recognize the favor and give thanks, for doing so will dispose one for other, greater favors. And this recollection is a preparation for being able to listen... so that the soul, instead of striving to engage in discourse, strives to remain attentive and aware of what the Lord is working in it... In this work of the spirit the one who thinks less and has less desire to act does more. What we must do is beg like the needy poor before a rich and great emperor, and then lower our eyes and wait with humility. When, through his secret paths, it seems we understand that he hears us, then it is good to be silent, since he has allowed us to remain near him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice... keep up the good work